Makers Makine

Our Values

Makers works within the framework of corporate policies and principles to ensure that its standardized quality is the main determinant in all business processes.

Makers' field of activity includes many complex processes with many parameters. In order to be successful, a stable stance is required, and detailed and planned action is required to reach the target accurately and on time. Makers' policy texts, which define the roles, duties, authorities, rights and responsibilities of all stakeholders, provide a framework for all these business processes.

As Makers, our primary goal is to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in all our activities.

In order to fulfill this obligation, we accept and undertake that we will;
As Makers, our primary goal is to create a safe and healthy working environment for our employees in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Management System in all our activities.

• Manage our activities related to OHS in an integrated manner with Quality and Environmental Management Systems and we will carry out our work meticulously in this direction,
• work on continuous improvement of the OHS management system by setting occupational health and safety targets and reviewing these targets periodically,
• identify risks, hazards and near misses that may occur in the work environment in advance, create a safe and healthy working environment and prevent occupational diseases, injuries, health deterioration and occupational accidents,
• pay special attention to occupational health and safety supervision of employees whose conditions require special sensitivity (pregnancy, employees with physical and sensory disabilities, etc.),
• work in accordance with national/international published guidelines on pandemic disorders,
• ensure the continuity of the system with the participation of our stakeholders by developing communication, training, and activities for our employees to adopt the Occupational Health and Safety culture,
• comply with national and international legal legislation, relevant standards and requirements within the scope of Occupational Health and Safety,
• and that all company employees, stakeholders and contractors are obliged to work in accordance with the requirements of Makers OHS Policy.

Being aware of the fact that quality is the primary requirement for competition in national and international markets, we are committed to continuous improvement by providing the necessary resources to provide quality products and services to our customers.

In this direction, we have determined, as our Quality Policy, to;
• increase customer satisfaction with products and services that will meet demands and needs on time and to maintain this satisfaction,
• cooperate with our stakeholders based on mutual trust and respect,
• ensure activities to increase satisfaction, loyalty and motivation by continuously supporting the development of our employees in order to achieve quality targets,
• provide continuous development and improvement studies by increasing our performance with TS EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System in all our processes,
• be an exemplary organization that is sensitive to the society and the environment in which we operate and contribute to the national economy by continuously improving our business network by complying with national and international legal regulations with a maximum benefit and minimum cost mentality

Partners of Innovative Engineering

Makers always has the excitement, dedication and effort necessary with a consistent engineering approach to achieve successful projects with its solution partner by focusing on the target.